Philosophy and Christianity have an interplay which cannot be ignored.
While in my opinion the wisest statement about wisdom are the many that Jesus Christ made on the issues of wisdom for example about the wise builder who builds on
Matthew 7:24-27, where he speaks about the importance of building one’s life on a solid foundation of wisdom and understanding.
Christ states “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it !!!”
I cannot also ignore the noticeable effect of the Socratic Paradox; one of the wisest statements ever made by a man other than christ about learning is attributed to the Greek philosopher Socrates, who famously said, “I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.”
This statement, also known as the Socratic paradox, suggests that true wisdom comes not from thinking we know everything, but from acknowledging our own ignorance and being open to learning and growth.
In other words, to truly learn, one must first recognise that there is always more to learn and remain humble in the face of new knowledge and experiences.
This sentiment has been echoed throughout history by countless other thinkers and educators, highlighting the enduring wisdom of Socrates’ insight.
While we recognise the wisdom of men like Socrates and even biblical Solomon, I am in no doubt that their prose is to be acknowledged, at prayers online we are about prayer and also accepting that it is the greatest conduit to learning and with that wisdom itself.
In the coming weeks and months, We will be looking at learning about the prayers of some of the significant men and women of prayer in the Bible:
I. Old Testament
A. Abraham
- Prayed for a son and interceded for the people of Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
- Prayed for Abimelech and his household (Genesis 20:7)
B. Moses
- Prayed for the Israelites during the battle against the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-13)
- Interceded for the Israelites after they made the golden calf (Exodus 32:11-14)
C. Hannah
- Prayed for a son and dedicated him to God (1 Samuel 1:10-20)
D. David
- Wrote many Psalms, which were songs and prayers of praise and lamentation (e.g., Psalm 3, 51)
E. Elijah
- Prayed for a drought and for its end (1 Kings 17:1, 18:41-46)
- Prayed for the widow’s son to be raised from the dead (1 Kings 17:17-24)
II. New Testament
A. Jesus
- Taught his disciples how to pray the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)
- Prayed for his disciples and for all believers (John 17:1-26)
B. Mary
- Praised God in her song of worship, the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55)
C. Peter
- Prayed for the healing of Tabitha, who was raised from the dead (Acts 9:36-43)
D. Paul
- Prayed for the Ephesian church to have spiritual wisdom and knowledge (Ephesians 1:15-23)
- Prayed for the healing of Epaphroditus (Philippians 2:25-30)
E. Stephen
- Prayed for forgiveness for his persecutors before he was stoned to death (Acts 7:59-60)
This is just a small sampling of the many significant men and women of prayer in the Bible that we will be exploring.
Let Us Pray: Father we come to you today with a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving. Thank you for the incredible privilege and opportunity to teach ourselves and learn about prayer. It is an honor to have been given the chance to deepen understanding of this fundamental aspect of our faith, and to share that knowledge with others.
Thank you for the gift of prayer, for the ability to come before you in humility and with a spirit of openness and trust. There continues to be gratitude for the ways in which prayer has transformed life, and for the ways in which it continues to shape and guide ours each and every day.
Thank you, Lord, for the wisdom and insight that you have given in reflection on prayer including insights from the lives of great men and women who have gone before us.
May your grace continue to flow through me as I seek to live a life of prayer and to share that life with others. May my teaching and learning be a testament to your love and mercy, and may it inspire others to draw closer to you in prayer and in all things.
Thank you, Father GOD, for this incredible journey, and for the blessings that you continue to pour out every day.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen,